Microsoft operating system Windows 10 has gained huge success from computer users. And recently, it has launched a new version of the operating system called Windows 11. The launch of Windows 11 has raised many questions in the minds of the people.
Many people consider Windows 11 to be a success. And some of them call Windows 11 a big failure.
The answer to this question differs from person to person. Windows 11 provides numerous features to the users, and it has some limitations also.
That’s why people are very confused that whether Will Windows 11 be a success or a failure? To get the answer, we need to think.
What are the Requirements of Windows 11?
The requirements of Windows 11 is very low. Because a PC needs a 1GHz CPU, 4GB RAM, and 64GB storage to run Windows 11. But most importantly, Windows 11 requires a TPM security chip and Secure Boot capability.

Windows 11 operating system can also run in 7th gen Intel core 5, but it can also support 8th gen model. You can check the cheapest Processor to run Windows 11 here.
If anyone has the newer TPM chips in the computer, then they can easily use this new operating system on their device.
Although the new operating system does not have many requirements. But still, this operating system faces problems in installing this new operating system in their devices.
People face Windows 11 upgrade problems, installation issues, and most importantly, PCs can’t run Windows 11 issues.
Will Windows 11 be a Success or a Failure?
Windows 11 operating system has been recently launched. Unfortunately, that’s why very few PC users tried this new operating system on their devices.
But most of the users has faced problem while installing Windows 11 on their devices. Few people face problems like PC can’t run Windows 11? Or PC does not support secure boots!
Apart from all these issues, several users face an installation issue. That’s why for now, we can’t say that Windows 11 has gained success. But it is also true that Windows 11 is not totally failed.
Is Windows 11 Successful?
Windows 11 has gained success because it is the most recent OS that is widely used and has all the features that people want. The only drawback to Windows 11 is that it costs a lot more than other operating systems.
Microsoft Windows 11 has been successful because it is the latest operating system with all of the features a person could want. The downside of Windows 11 is that it costs a lot more than other operating systems.
Is installing Windows 11 worth it?
Yes, installing Windows 11 on your system is totally worth it because it comes with a lot of upgraded features. So if you like to test them on your system then you should definitely go for it.
Will I get Windows 11 for Free?
Windows 11 will be free for installing on Windows 10 computers or PC. If your PC is running Windows 10, then you can upgrade your PC with Windows 11 for free. The preview of Windows 11 has shown that this new operating system can be downloaded for free on any device.
What are the New Features in Windows 11?
The new operating system called Windows 11 has a variety of features to serve PC users. The Features of Windows 11 have been mentioned below.
In Windows 11 operating system, users will get a chance to use the new and advanced start menu.
Windows 11 provides refreshed File explorer.
Very exciting and brand new settings have been provided in the windows 11 operating system.
Windows 11 offers snap layouts to their user, which is very helpful for doing multitasking work.
You will discover new widgets tabs in the new operating system. You can also read below:
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I can get around the mac clone . the phone clone start menu, but the windows explorer makes windows 11 completely unusable. i spend 20% of my day in windows explorer and win 11 just simply said does not have a real explorer for some reason!!!!
Sure there are some new featurs in Win11, but much of the administration stuff has been put into strangemenus, e.g. if you click on the speaker icon (which now is grouped nic/bt/snd), you ‘night light’, ‘focus assist’, ‘cast’, etc. things completely unrelated to sound.
So bottomline for me is that Win11 is ‘Design over Function’, ie. pretty but usless.
I managed to install em after bios update and converting from mbr2gpt (microsoft tool), safeboot enabled and tpm2. Thankfully didn’t need clean install because of the option to upgrade from OS directly. It wasn’t a piece of cake for my 2020 year pc but with my basic skills with computer I did it. It feels better and it was inevitable for me because I videogame a lot my pc and from now on windows 10 will only get security updates and that’s it.
Windows 11 is a failure for myself. So much so, I switched to Mac’s for most of my online work.
I still game on my Windows desktop with Windows 11 but have decided to revert back to Windows 10 when I can. I don’t think Windows 11 improved on anything compared to Windows 10. OK, Win 11 may look nicer but that is hardly a reason to upgrade. For myself, Windows 11 was a big step backwards and a upgrade I regret doing on my desktop. I had even bought a new laptop with Windows 11 and had to give it to my daughter to use. I could not not possible use it and was the trigger to convince me to buy a MacBook Air.